The layout of the new library provides flexible areas of teaching and enables more than one class to utilise the library at the same time. Students and staff have access to a computer lab and a wide range of quality resources.
At Dutton Park State School our Library Teacher Aide supports classroom teachers to integrate the literature and information literacy into the class program. Our Digital Technologies specialist teacher supports staff with ICT components of the curriculum, teaches weekly Digital Technologies lessons and runs a weekly lunchtime Coding Club.
Each class has a specific time for Library borrowing. Borrowing rules are as follows:
- Prep students may borrow one book with library bag.
- Years 1 to 3 may borrow up to two books with a library bag.
- Years 4 to 6 may borrow three books. A library bag is highly recommended.
Loan periods and overdue items
Student book loans are for a period of two weeks. Each month teachers are given a list of overdue loans of students. At the end of each term a letter is mailed home to inform the parents that their child’s books are overdue. Any books not returned will be deemed lost and will be invoiced at $15/book to cover replacement costs. Students and parents are encouraged to contact library staff about overdue or damaged books.

Lunchtime activities
Library monitors (Year 6 students) assist staff at lunchtime. Students select from a range of activities: games, puzzles, jigsaws, computers (educational purposes), quiet reading or drawing. Throughout the year we offer additional activities including: National Simultaneous Storytime, author visits, Book Week book character parade, and visits from Brisbane City Council libraries. Extracurricular activities may include: Readers Cup Competition, Brisbane Writers Festival, Book Fairs, etc.

Online resources
Our school library management system is called 'Infiniti' and it can be accessed at school and at home. You can view and search our library catalogue to find books and e-books and click on links for other e-resources such as Brittanica School, Sora (Overdrive/Ed Qld e-books), Dictionary, Mathletics and Reading Eggs.
Username: MIS ID
Password: duttonpark
Students can access the Education Queensland eBooks Digital Library via the link to Sora on the Infiniti search page OR you can go directly to Sora - Download the Sora App on your devices or type the address for the web-based Sora app into your browser search bar. There are thousands of books in this collection.
Username: MIS ID
Brittanica School - Online Encyclopaedia
You can access Brittanica School via the link on the Infiniti search page OR just bypass Infiniti and go directly to the site using this web address:
School access ID: duttonpss
School passcode: student