The DPSS uniform shop is a P&C service that is run and operated by parent volunteers. Our purpose is to provide quality uniforms that are both functional and affordable.
Normal Opening hours
During term we are open Tuesdays 8.15 – 9.00 am.
Opening hours are subject to change because they are dependent on volunteer availability. We do our best to open at these times every week.
The uniform shop is located at the Parent Hub, under block C.
Online orders
Online orders can be made at our DPSS P&C Shop.
During the checkout process, please enter your child's name and class in the box labelled "Tell us where to leave the order and how to contact you".
A parent volunteer will deliver orders to your child's classroom.
Exchanges and refunds can be made during Uniform Shop opening hours or arranged by email.
Get in touch
The Uniform Shop is a service operated by the P&C Association and as such relies entirely on volunteer availability.
We have a fantastic group of parents that keep the uniform shop operational, but we always need more! Join the team to help with staffing the uniform shop, delivering online orders, stock counts, or book-keeping. If you are interested please get in touch.
Please direct enquiries to